Excalibur Land Company

Excalibur Land Company owns and manages approximately 10,000 acres of land in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana. The company was established in 1995 to manage and diversify company-owned land to encompass crop production, timber production, and grazing for cattle production. The company’s main focus is to maximize production of rice, which is then provided to our corporate affiliate Farmers Rice Milling Company. Our rice acreage is in rotation with soybeans, wheat, and rangeland. Excalibur utilizes Best Management Practices to produce crops with the least amount of herbicides and insecticides, for an eco-sensitive approach to high yielding crops.

Beyond rice production, the activities of the company—which employs a farm manager and experienced field crew—include soybean and wheat production; rangeland management; farmland reclamation; plus timber and land management. Our employees cultivate approximately 1,200 acres of rice and 1,000 acres of soybeans and wheat annually—and maintain over 1,000 miles of levees and farm roads each year.

Additionally, Excalibur Land leases approximately 2,300 acres of farmland and 5,500 acres of pastureland to tenant farmers and ranchers. In total, these farming operations result in the production of approximately 165,000 hundred weights (363,000 bushels) of rice annually. The unique bond between our farming operations, the committed tenant acreage, and the company operated milling operation allows an unmatched level of flexibility to develop rice products from seed to market.

With over 1,600 acres of pine timberland, Excalibur Land Company maintains a managed forest program that includes annual reforestation efforts. Excalibur Land Company’s additional activities include selling gravel and rice hull compost; leasing property for wildlife hunting, fishing, and other recreational activities; and also participating in marketing carbon credits.

For more information, please visit http://frmco.com/about-us/farming-operations.